I tracked mine down that I’d accept. “2nd wave Gen-x, 8-bit kid, tech futurist” basically.
I still hate most writeups of X though. but not wanting to be pegged *is* part of our common element 😛
hahah I’m laughing for real. Somebody tried to do a definitive film on Gen-X back in 2012-2013…
and it never finished!! hahaah typical X-slacker. Lots of lil ideas. 😛
Great clips though. Not crazy about the music choices though.
Oh I refused to see it. I still won’t. But I *will* accept River’s Edge as definitive of our darkest side.
See, I hated stereotyping in school. Ranted about it for years and I still push back against it. I begrudgingly accept SOME monikers now but not many.
Funny thing though: I LOVE TV Tropes and pointing them out. I freely call things by their stereotypes but don’t want it done to me. I’m such a commoner *sigh*
I love messing with Ad bots. 2015-2017 I got it convinced I was Moderate (took a while) as I wanted to see all the ads.
Then spent about six months trying eek it closer to true and I got myself just one smidgen to the left from Moderate, which wasn’t easy.
Now they don’t show the politics anymore.
Right now, it thinks I’m a Charles Koch Institute fan. That threw me off but I analyzed it and it’s sneaky.
Right now I’m a liberal Christian who is probably secretly a parent or wants to adopt or be a foster parent. It’s eeking closer but now I’m letting it.
I go through every ad and say “yes” when their suggested Topic is correct, and I ignore the rest that’s wrong.
On Instagram I did a different tactic: I accepted ALL of its friend suggestions for a while to see what profile of me it would end up with.
What’s interesting is watching THAT profile slowly infiltrate my FB ads. The algorithms are assuredly complex with some speedy changes and some slow. I enjoy watching AI try to get to know me. I actually want AI to succeed.
Same. I mean, I _know_ it’ll also be used for evil, etc etc but it’ll also be for good. So I count on paranoid watchdogs to pay attn.for me. They always do
I treat generational stuff as “fun”. I took it seriously for a bit, thought there was something to it, until I realized it’s just an analysis of marketing and preference patterns, common childhood things and whatnot, primarily among American white boys, a little less with girls, and hardly at all for any other demographic.
So I still use the terminology and have fun with it, dissecting “is it this year or that”? But I don’t take it any more seriously than nostalgia.
Maybe but that holds true for us all when we feel “our group” is threatened by an “out group”.
I’ll show you.
Obama was the best President we’ve had in a long, long time, setting a standard that will be hard to match or beat.
Rape can be correctly considered as a result of toxic masculinity, revealing itself in little “jokes” shared among “brothers” building up to create a way of thinking that turns women into disposable objects, to worship when they correctly follow orders and throw away when they don’t.
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