Indeed. I think we’re all of multiple minds about things, harboring an array of various perspectives mentally. Seems to be one voice with an observer voice that chimes in sometimes, and maybe a gurgling of subconcious voices popping up now and again… but I kinda think we’re all of those people in a sense. Not just ‘three’ but many more. I can’t say what’s the ‘real’ me’ in all of it, except there’s usually someone working hard in the head trying to put the puzzle pieces together as best he can, so to speak.
What I think’s equally trippy: Ever open your mouth to say something and suddenly realize you’re just the megaphone for somebody else? You say something and you’re like, “Shit, not like me to say that”. I try to avoid that but sometimes I still find myself surprised. So, who is the myself that’s surprised? I dunno smile emoticon
NLP’s pretty good stuff. I studied the often made-fun-of Anthony Robbins form in the mid 1990s. Got the … cassettes… yes, cassettes… read a book I think.
Useful stuff. Studied it a little more deeply later on, but the ‘gist’ of what tony robbins showed was useful enough for me. Practical stuff there.
I think anything that improves our mind/body connection so we’re NOT just feeling like “brains in meatbags” is a good thing.
Had biofeedback training as a kid in the early 80s to control anxiety. I got to control a computer with my mind [made tones go up and down, move a big colored box around the screen].
The techniques were all siimlar; controlling your body with your mind and other times allowing your body to control your mind- get a two-way communication happening.
Any techniques that are practical in that way I recommend.
awesome. It’s practical stuff – it works. Nothing strange about it to me. I’ve been through various seminars and stuff through the years – there’s some fluff of course but the meat of it is really useful.
I can believe it. I sometimes sense gravity around me shifting, or time. I don’t know if its controlling it per se but an awareness. I don’t really want the control factor but I like knowing what’s happening. Even if it’s not measurably changed externally, the fact that my sense of it shifted means “pay attention here” and I do. There’s always a good reason and I’m grateful. Not grateful ‘to anybody’ per say or not, just grateful in general.
I don’t know what glands involved, but I do have a strong blindsight (awareness of where things are around me even in the dark). It’s probably because of birth defect – no central vision in right eye, very poor vision in left, deaf in left ear, only up to 5000 hz in the other… etc etc.
and I suspect I learned to use my senses a little differently.
I *think* blindsight is related to the “blue light” sensor that wakes us up in the morning. Is that the pineal gland? I need to read up more.
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