I think for some people, everything is Youtube. For them, the world is fake and scripted with actors playing the parts for their entertainment.
In a way, I’m glad: It means that David has a safe and comfortable life free of pain and problems. A bag of Doritos and a sip of Mountain Dew and a game controller and all is well with the world.
I wish you the best in a continued life of comfort and may you never be in a situation where you experience whatever this man went through to this point. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody, not even a heckler of life.
I’m just grateful there were people who stepped into help when they did. Would I? I don’t know. I’d like to think I would. But I might also freeze in indecision. So I’m grateful for those who have a little more foresight than I might, saw a really bad situation in progress and acted courageously.
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