I suppose my main beef is with Dawkins. I don’t like the guy. Well, not him so much but those that follow him. He took Evolution and used it as his rallying point for a political cause and dragged a lot of people in with him and really, kinda spoiled things. I miss Sagan. Oh well.
The New Atheist movement set Evolutionary acceptance back to the 19th century in society by bringing up ancient forgotten battles, rekindling fires that should’ve let die, and created a war zone where there wasn’t one (at least for me) growing up.
Then again, I didn’t meet my first Bible literalist ’til I was 22, which totally confused me.. and a few years later, my first of the modern form of Atheist. Sounded the same to me. Before that, I knew plenty of agnostics online and nontheists. There were evolution/creation debates of course… but they weren’t quite as they are today. Oh well.