“I see. You want the data reorganized by ontology levels, and for each ontology level, include all categories that match. Let’s do that:

The outline between referred to will be at the bottom under neath:
“I see. You want the data reorganized by ontology levels, and for each ontology level, include all categories that match. Let’s do that:

**I.A.1, I.A.2, I.A.3**
– 110 Metaphysics
– 1.942 Extraterrestrial life

**I.B.1, I.B.2, I.B.3**
– 110 Metaphysics
– 930 History of the ancient world
– 950 History of Asia

**I.C.1, I.C.2, I.C.3**
– 121.68 Epistemology – Analogy

**I.D.1, I.D.2, I.D.3**
– 1.4 Research
– 121.68 Epistemology – Analogy
– 128.3 Philosophy of time and space
– 142.7 Transpersonal psychology
– 150.19 Parapsychology
– 150.1952 Comparative psychology
– 152.4 Emotions
– 160 Logic
– 4 Knowledge
– 401.9 Language universals and comparative linguistics
– 809.933 Metaphor

**II.A.1, II.A.2, II.A.3**
– 530.12 Quantum theory

**II.B.1, II.B.2, II.B.3**
– 128.3 Philosophy of time and space

**II.C.1, II.C.2, II.C.3**
– 401.9 Language universals and comparative linguistics

**II.D.1, II.D.2, II.D.3**
– 401.9 Language universals and comparative linguistics

**II.E.1, II.E.2, II.E.3**
– 612.8233 Neurophysiology of imagination
– 153.4 Attention and perception
– 153.7 Attention

**III.A.1, III.A.2, III.A.3**
– 4 Data processing and computer science

**III.B.1, III.B.2, III.B.3**
– 4 Data processing and computer science

**III.C.1, III.C.2, III.C.3**
– 142.7 Transpersonal psychology

**III.D.1, III.D.2, III.D.3**
– 616.89 Communication disorders
– 808.5 Rhetoric and writing
– 153.4 Attention and perception
– 153.6 Communication
– 153.69 Nonverbal communication
– 153.7 Attention
– 158.2 Interpersonal relations
– 302 Social interaction
– 302.2 Communication
– 303.3 Coordination and cooperation

**IV.A.1, IV.A.2, IV.A.3**
– 128.2 Philosophy of Mind
– 150 Psychology
– 150.19 Parapsychology
– 150.1952 Comparative psychology
– 170 Ethics
– 370.15 Education – Learning theories

**IV.B.1, IV.B.2, IV.B.3**
– 128.2 Philosophy of Mind
– 150 Psychology
– 152.4 Emotions
– 160 Logic
– 370.15 Education – Learning theories
– 153.1 Learning and memory

**IV.D.1, IV.D.2, IV.D.3**
– 170 Ethics
– 155.4 Child development

**IV.E.1, IV.E.2, IV.E.3**
– 128.3 Philosophy of time and space

**VI.A.1, VI.A.2, VI.A.3**
– 370.152 Education – Learning
– 371.95 Education – Gifted Children

**VI.B.1, VI.B.2, VI.B.3**
– 177.7 Ethics – Caring
– 248.8 Religious aspects of parenting
– 301.42 Sociology of the family

**VI.C.1, VI.C.2, VI.C.3**
– 179.6 Ethics – Courage

**VI.D.1, VI.D.2, VI.D.3**
– 248.8 Religious aspects of parenting

**VI.E.1, VI.E.2, VI.E.3**
– 158.1 Personal improvement and analysis
– 204.4 Stress management

**VI.F.1, VI.F.2, VI.F.3**
– 158.12 Meditation
– 155.2 Developmental Psychology – Self-Esteem

**VI.G.1, VI.G.2, VI.G.3**
– 700.1 Aesthetics
– 791.43 Performing arts – storytelling
– 808.83 Fiction writing
– 809.387 Science fiction and fantasy


I. Fundamental Nature of Change

A. Change as intrinsic to being itself
1. Pervasive nature of change at macro and micro levels
2. Impossibility of static objects or fixed forms
3. All concepts and categories are unstable

B. Constant transformation underlies all apparent stability
1. Maintenance of stability requires constant work and adaptation
2. Stability is relative, temporary and context dependent
3. Steady states are dynamic equilibria

C. Even continuity is sustained change
1. Persistence requires constant regeneration and reproduction
2. The unchanging is sustained by internal ongoing alteration
3. Continuity hides fundamental discontinuities

D. Change as perspectival
1. Dependent on frame of reference and vantage point
2. What is changed depends on context and scale observed
3. Different observers perceive different transformations

E. Renewal through destruction
1. Destruction opens space for new forms and patterns
2. Death enables life through recycling of matter and energy
3. Old orders break down to allow novel configurations to emerge

II. Scales of Change

A. Quantum
1. Wavefunction collapse
2. Quantum tunneling and fluctuations
3. Excitation, decay and transitions

B. Subatomic
1. Radioactive decay
2. Nuclear fusion and fission
3. Fundamental particle interactions

C. Molecular
1. Bond formations and breaks
2. Isomerizations and conformational changes
3. Chemical reactions

D. Macromolecular
1. Protein folding and unfolding
2. Molecular assembly and disassembly
3. Genetic and epigenetic alterations

E. Cellular
1. Mitosis and cell division
2. Aging and senescence
3. Differentiation and specialization

F. Tissue
1. Growth and atrophy
2. Wound healing and regeneration
3. Remodeling and adaptation

G. Organismic
1. Developmental stages
2. Maturation and senescence
3. Body system interactions

III. Drivers of Change

A. Thermodynamics
1. Spontaneous reactions favor lower energy states
2. Entropy increase drives dispersal and randomization
3. Order arises through local energy gradients

B. Entropy production
1. Overall disorder increases on macro level
2. Self-organization arises from precise local order
3. Gradual increases in complexity amid background chaos

C. Self-organization
1. Structure evolves through dynamical instability
2. Pattern formation through nonlinear feedback
3. Emergence of order from component interactions

D. Feedback loops
1. Reentry of output as input affects ongoing dynamics
2. Reinforcing and counteractive feedback shapes behavior
3. Interlevel feedback links processes across scales

IV. Theories of Change

A. Dialectics
1. Constant struggle between opposing forces
2. Conflict leads to sublation into higher synthesis
3. Qualitative leaps through quantitative shifts

B. Dynamical systems theory
1. Emergence of attractors from initial conditions
2. Bifurcations that lead to phase transitions
3. Limit cycles and chaotic dynamics

C. Chaos/complexity sciences
1. Sensitivity to initial conditions
2. Emergence through self-organization
3. Far from equilibrium dynamics

D. Evolutionary theory
1. Variation through random mutation
2. Selection pressures shape differential reproduction
3. Emergence of novelty through adaptation

E. Relativity and quantum theories
1. Einstein’s relativity of space and time
2. Quantum position-momentum uncertainty
3. Incompatibility of relativity and quantum mechanics

V. Purpose and Direction

A. Self-organization
1. Formation of dissipative structures
2. Autocatalytic chemical cycles
3. Dynamic optimality and fitness maximization

B. Co-evolution
1. Mutual reciprocal shaping of coevolving systems
2. Changes in one system drive changes in the other
3. Interconnected change across scales

C. Self-transcendence
1. Emergence of novel higher level entities
2. Increasing complexity and powers of agency
3. Growth of hierarchical organization and integrative capacity

VI. Implications of Change

A. Impermanence
1. All phenomena are transient and fleeting
2. Attachment to fixed forms leads to suffering
3. Openness to constant flux brings acceptance

B. Interconnectedness
1. Nothing exists in isolation, everything is interrelated
2. Changes in one element impact the whole system
3. Responsibility to promote creative change

C. Uncertainty and possibility
1. Future is open and not predetermined
2. Constant novelty emerges from dynamic processes
3. Focus shifts from control to fostering emergent order

D. Freedom and responsibility
1. Agency arises within constraints
2. Choices shape direction of change
3. We codetermine the futures that emerge

E. Adaptability and resilience
1. Ability to change with changing circumstances
2. Capacities for reconfiguration and transformation
3. Strengthening of feedback, regulation and buffering

F. Letting go of fixed identities
1. Release attachment to stable self-concepts
2. Embrace change and movement within processes
3. Adopt impersonal impartial view of constant flux

G. Cultivation of wisdom
1. See change clearly and profoundly
2. Become at ease with impermanence and mystery
3. Act skillfully and compassionately amid flux

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