I read the children’s drawings book only about two years ago; first time I even knew anybody’d studied that.
But I think the reason I like it is because of the persevering spirit in most children up to a certain age; they can create out of genuine pleasure or they can create because they’re compelled to by a teacher and have rules and criteria to follow.
Is it naivety? That’s a good question. You can have awareness of the darkness of the world and still retain a creative spirit. But in order to retain one’s creative spirit, one has to ignore certain things in order to be able to focus.
For example, you’re creative with your philosophical ideas; but you don’t want to deal with the hybrid concepts.
I do not consider that naiveity; rather, you are retaining your ability to be creative in your own fashion about it, and learning about these pre-conceived hybrids will just get in the way of that.