Lots of theories as a kid as to what happened Easter morning. Teleportation. Aliens. Vaporizing the rock [he kept a mirror in the cave and used the sun to create a laser in the tomb to bust his way out], standard “the women were in on it”, or the guards got drugged, various “locked room mystery” solutions involving secret mazes and tunnels and such, etc.
I played Matthew, the tax collector, several times as a teenager in Last Supper plays at my childhood church.
Once, at 13 years old, I played Isaac as an old man, the blind father of Esau and Jacob, only son of Abraham and Sarah. I walked out blind, sang a song, had a scene, gave a blessing to a boy who played Isaac who played Esau if I remember how it went. I played favorites apparently.
Once, I was put up on a cross, 12-15 feet up in the air to be the cursing criminal next to Jesus on Friday as Jesus got whipped and stuff and eventually went up next to me and said a few words.
They didn’t repeat it next year. Insurance company probably said, “You did WHAT? How high? HOW OLD?!” :: faints ::
Happy Easter!