[I know it’s weird I use Dewey Decimal but it’s “a” framework of general human knowledge and I know it well]. I took the DDCs identified for the 13 frameworks, then after asking “what’s missing?”, I asked if they could instead be SUPPLEMENTS to the 13 and who is the misfits? Two misfits: experimental medicine (619-619.9) and home and family management (640-640.9), Not bad.

[I know it’s weird I use Dewey Decimal but it’s “a” framework of general human knowledge and I know it well]. I took the DDCs identified for the 13 frameworks, then after asking “what’s missing?”, I asked if they could instead be SUPPLEMENTS to the 13 and who is the misfits?

Two misfits:
experimental medicine (619-619.9) and
home and family management (640-640.9),

Not bad.

Sure, let’s analyze the missing categories in relation to the themes you’ve provided:

**Missing broader categories**:
– 000 – Computer science, Information & General Works: This category is most directly relevant to theme 8. Self-as-Creator and Self-as-Coder. Particularly, the information science aspect could also supplement theme 12. Self-as-Learner-and-Teacher in under
– 900 – Geography & History: This category can supplement theme 10. Self-as-Social-Being by providing historical context for social phenomena, and theme 9. Self-as-Earth-Steward, in relation to human geography and interaction with the environment.

**Missing specific subcategories**:
– 101-149: The subtopics under these numbers could provide a deeper understanding for theme 1. Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Subject, and theme 13. Self-as-Spiritual-Being, as they involve philosophy and metaphysics.
– 151-152.3, 152.5-152.9, 154-154.9, 156-157, 159-159.9: These are all psychology subcategories that would supplement theme 1. Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Subject, and theme 13. Self-as-Spiritual-Being.
– 301-303.4, 303.5-303.482, 303.484-305.9, 307-369, 380-399: These social sciences subcategories would enrich theme 3. Self-in-Community and Self-in-Relation and theme 10. Self-as-Social-Being. They could also provide valuable insight for theme 2. Self-Mi
– 500-509, 530-549, 560-569, 580-589, 590-599: These subcategories deal with general natural sciences, physics, chemistry, paleontology, botany, and zoology. These could supplement theme 5. Self-as-Life and theme 7. Self-in-Universe and Self-as-Knower.
– 600-612.9, 614-615.7, 615.9-615.99, 619-619.9, 630-639, 640-640.9, 641-699: These numbers deal with a wide range of technology and applied sciences, including home economics and agriculture. These could supplement theme 6. Self-as-Healer (medical techno

**Unmatched categories**:

The unpaired missing categories, such as those related to experimental medicine (619-619.9) and home and family management (640-640.9), may not directly correspond to the 13 themes but could be useful in a broader conceptualization of self and its relationship to society and the world.

Again, the fit of each range to each theme will depend on the specific contents studied within each category, as each Dewey Decimal range can cover a wide array of specific topics.

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