I have noticed an apparent increase in Theoretical Physics as being, in the media and other popular education channels, as being equated to *Science*. The thinking [implied and stated alike] is this:
Theoretical physics is the future grounding for all practical knowledge. Upon Theoretical Physics rests Chemistry, Empirical Physics, Life, Biology, Cognitive Science and then all of the “Soft Sciences”, and upon those, the Humanities. All of these rest upon Mathematics, upon which the Universe is constructed.”
It just so happens that mathematics works very well as a language for Physics at present, although that is not to say something better might not come along.
It is a nice, closed loop. Theoretical Physics works with Mathematics. Since Mathematics works so well with Theoretical Physics, and Theoretical Physics describes the non-empirical aspects of the Universe, therefore the Universe is Math and Math is the Universe, for all things are based upon Theoretical Physics and all things are Mathematics.
Nice and neat. Easy to believe.
But it’s a religious, faith-based system ultimately when seen in that light, or, at the very least, has a number of limiting Philosophical assumptions built-in to the system.
Objective reality. The Universe as objects external to the self. Subjectivity is assumed to be a lie, plain and simple.
Yet, who is doing the thinking?
Who is doing the “Sciencing?”
Us. Humans. Subjective beings making tools to do the work for us like creating systems like mathematics, engineering computers to work a binary system to death… and the Law of Excluded Middle (no contradictions allowed) sits right in the middle of it all.
This line.
Added to the issue, Chemistry CAN’T be modeled by Quantum Mechanics. In single atom, single molecule mode, certainly.
But beyond the simplest of examples, they _need_ to be separate disciplines. The connection between the two is currently a faith-based connection.
The problems grow from that level up. By the time you reach Biology, there’s very Quantum anything that’s useful.
Go up to Psychology? Might as well not bother with numbers. it’s a different Science, a different discipline, requiring different sets of rules and methods.
Then you have society. There’s a movement growing stronger by the day, of “Cognitive Science-ifying” the Courts Systems.
Dangerous road. We’re not ready. Science-as-Expert-Advisor, yes. But the complexities of human relationships are better described in a 90 minute movie than anything coming out of the “hard sciences”. We’re not ready. Nowhere close to ready.
But we have the movement going. The spokespeople. The histories they present are getting more and more consistent, yet not historically accurate from a historian point of view. Lots of hyperbole in Galileo and the Church regarding the Inquisition; images of burning witches at the stake are frequently linked in the minds of the viewers with Galileo’s short lived gag order and “stay in your room and think about how naughty you’ve been.”
Besides, most of his stuff was wrong anyway. But, he’s a hero just the same; the myth of the Shoulders of Giants continues on regardless of accuracy in historical accounts.
I won’t go into how that ties into the New Atheist movement, gaining greater and greater steam on the Internet, and I see so many of these errors repeated without thought by people whose information sources have no training in theology giving opinions on theological issues… even notables like Hawking, who puts up a strawGod and then knocks it down, to the cheers of the ahistorically educated and with very few jeers because, well, he’s Hawking – he must know what he’s talking about.
But of course, being intelligent in one area (which he is and I adore him for that and for 100 other reasons), does not transfer.
Yet, people believe.
In my opinion, Theoretical Physics, should it decide to cut the tether with things empirical, it should leave the category of Science and move into Philosophy or a branch of mathematics perhaps… but not remain in Science.
It is becoming the religious component of Science, the God of the 21st Century; which is fine, as society is overdue for a new Religion.
I’d rather have Scientists do what they do best, and any grand philosophies connecting it all together… especially those that make the very BASIC error of treating a mathematical infinity as if it is SOMETHING REAL. [it’s not: Basic Physics _should_ teach the dangerous of analogizing reality to mathematics without question; some things do not analogize well to math and most importantly, some math ‘happens’ that does not reflect reality.
Lose the Empirical, and no one will notice the scissors cutting the thread.
I’m not against Math, Theoretical Physics, Science or any of these things. But they’re starting lose their way, and taking millions of believers in the up and coming Scientism movement who may cause social difficulties, painting a false black and white picture of reality, continuing a 19th century debate of “Science and Religion being polar opposites” when, of course they’re not. Not at all.
Ok. That’s the end of my unedited opinions. Thoughts?
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