Thank you for that; and I appreciate your forthrightness. I’m a fan of forthright. It’s not my style; and I envy your writing style;
I have an arrogant, smarmy writing style of a politician, news writer, marketing writer, grant proposal writer, science writer (without the doom and gloom predictions – they like those), a … diplomat … or a writer in feminist studies (well, humanities, but I can handle the broad feminist label now; I used to hate it ’til I realized it doesn’t take away my dick by being called feminist – too broad of a category anyway)…
…anyhow. the reason I don’t do the “It goes without saying” and I state the Obvious is because we all have different footings, different sets of assumptions.
I like the back and forth of debate and argument and love people expressing differences of opinion, fact, speculation, assumption but whatever is being expressed, I like when it’s genuine best of all.
My style may be Mr. Rogers Neighborhood “Won’t you Be My Neighbor?” but it’s genuine. I may sound like I’m a slick beat-around-the-bush bullshit artist, but I’m not. I like taking people on a journey when I write, step into my head of gumdrop rainbows and floating sidewalks and reality inversions and such.
I suppose it’s because in real life, I’m always surrounded by “SAY WHAT YOU MEAN MEAN WHAT YOU SAY KEEP IT SHORT” which is annoying because I like to be expressive. It’s my way.
I also like encouraging people to express themselves in the ways that work for them. That’s why I’m glad you wrote what you did, how you did, and let me know where you stand, firmly, without equivocation (ugh I picked an unnecessary big word… but I spelled it right for once).
My whole writing style is equivocation. I’ve always been surrounded in real life by chronic blamers, always looking for “fault” somehow, somehow… some pin-point accuracy… like living in a Court that never ends, and you never know WHO is going to be on trial next.
So, I write like an arrogant, smarmy lawyer speaks I guess. But I consider you and all of my friends here on G+ to be able to see through my style to what I’m talking about; in short, able to play “spot the bullshit” and coalesce my meaning without me having to draw pencil thin lines.
That’s why I’m gratetul for friends like you (not just words, I’m not playing Mr. Rogers here, I AM Mr. Rogers so to speak.. without the creepy smile… oh wait.. nvm I have that too), – because you can draw the lines narrow, straight, firm, clear, precise.
I can’t. I’ve tried. Hurts my brain to be concise and firm.
Oh and on your last point, I do the same; I gauge (I don’t like the word judge, although I suppose that’s what it is) people by their reactions as well and how they handle themselves when off balance.
Of course off balance equates with wrong, gauge equates with judge. Same thing, different phrasings.
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