I found that the MAPP test is a career assessment test that helps you find the right career that matches your unique assessment profile¹². It measures your motivations, interests, preferences and aptitudes for different types of work². According to one website¹, “Special Education Teacher, Middle School” is one of the possible careers that matches a high score in social service orientation. This means that you may have a personality that enjoys helping others, especially those who face challenges or difficulties. You may also have a passion for teaching and learning, and a desire to make a positive difference in society. These are some of the traits that may be associated with this career choice.😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023(1) Assessment.com – Home of the MAPP Assessment – Assessment.com. https://www.assessment.com/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Information about the MAPP Assessment – Assessment.com. https://www.assessment.com/AboutMAPP/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
I found some articles that list some of the traits of special education teachers²³⁴⁵. Some of these traits are:
– Patience: Special education teachers need to be patient and understanding with their students, who may have various challenges and difficulties in learning.
– Communication skills: Special education teachers need to communicate effectively with their students, using different methods and strategies to suit their individual needs and abilities. They also need to communicate with parents, colleagues, and other professionals involved in their students’ education.
– Interpersonal skills: Special education teachers need to be friendly, personable, and respectful with their students, who may have different backgrounds, cultures, and personalities. They also need to build positive relationships with other people who support their students’ learning and development.
– Critical thinking skills: Special education teachers need to assess their students’ strengths and needs, and adapt their lessons accordingly. They also need to try new teaching approaches and evaluate their effectiveness.
– Resourcefulness: Special education teachers need to be creative and innovative in finding ways to engage their students and help them achieve their goals. They may use various materials, technologies, or activities to make learning fun and meaningful for their students.
– Compassion: Special education teachers need to care for their students’ well-being and emotional needs. They may encounter challenging situations or behaviors that require empathy and sensitivity. They also need to help their students develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
These are some of the traits that may indicate how a special education teacher views people, society, and themselves. In general, a special education teacher may have a personality that is social, service-oriented, investigative, artistic¹, or a combination of these types⁴.😊
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/12/2023(1) Qualities of a Special Education Teacher – UWA Online. https://online.uwa.edu/infographics/qualities-of-a-special-ed-teacher/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
(2) Five Traits of a Great Special Education Teacher. https://www.waldenu.edu/online-masters-programs/master-of-arts-in-teaching/resource/five-traits-of-a-great-special-education-teacher Accessed 3/12/2023.
(3) What personality traits do special education teachers have?. https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/special-education-teacher/personality/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
(4) What Personality Traits Do Special Education Teachers Have?. https://www.special-education-degree.net/what-personality-traits-do-special-education-teachers-have/ Accessed 3/12/2023.
(5) 5 Traits of Effective Special Education Teachers. https://www.masters-in-special-education.com/lists/5-traits-of-effective-special-education-teachers/ Accessed 3/12/2023.