I don’t think it’s automatically chaos without laws. People can voluntarily comply with strong suggestions if they have a brain. But in areas of the country where every measure from authority is questioned on a normal basis, whether in times of feast or famine, I think you’re right: they need strong authority to go along with measures. But if the character of the local area has a different relationship with authority figures, a “hey don’t be stupid” can be enough for most. But in cases like this where even a FEW not complying can be disaster for all, the rules all change.

I don’t think it’s automatically chaos without laws. People can voluntarily comply with strong suggestions if they have a brain.

But in areas of the country where every measure from authority is questioned on a normal basis, whether in times of feast or famine, I think you’re right: they need strong authority to go along with measures.

But if the character of the local area has a different relationship with authority figures, a “hey don’t be stupid” can be enough for most.

But in cases like this where even a FEW not complying can be disaster for all, the rules all change.

What’s your thoughts on this? You’re strong on the libertarian side, which I think goes a bit too far in the “people are capable of reason and don’t need authority” department, whereas Nav is of the “People are stupid unless forced” department, which I think goes too far in the other direction.

Worst predators are up on top or the invisible. Cartels are unregistered business entities – mafia product movers not beholden to government authority. Truly libertarian in nature and action but not the nice government protected libertarian style with rights and stuff.


US won’t go socialist nor fully libertarian. Can’t. US DNA is mercantilism with canon fire across the bow. “Rocket’s red glare, bombs bursting in air. Truly libertarian is the Koch brothers: open borders, free trade, slavery. Bits I like, bits I don’t.
Truly socialist, well, that’s the internet as it is. quiet internet authority on top (IETF) and beyond that, do as thou wilt, at least as far as the packet transmissions go. These days there’s priorities – video can be priority over this message I’m sending right now – but internet was and still has a socialist base built right into the code.

“We get the laws and government we deserve.” – that’s a hard truth. I don’t think we have as much power as all that as the power makers had thine glowing orbs of influence bestowed upon them generations ago, passed down via families, universities, political power brokering, church men in the South, actor economy in the West, farm consolidation in the mid-west, Northeast coast political/ceo/mafia power all mixed together.

Can’t say how it works in Texas though. I’m thinking cattle and leather families.

And then only if you’re a white man. Not many generations past 1964 and women’s road to power is just as troubled.

Still, as a white man, I got the laws and government I deserve. I may not have had wealth in my background translating to bank account but I also know I can get a haircut, make up a few tall tales, get some loans with shady people and find myself with a multi-milliondollar business selling futures of a vapor notion shown on a video I made.

My fault for not taking fuller advantage of it. Silver platter, but I did do some of it and still do in many ways.


I agree that it’s not a north south issue. But I wouldn’t say travel restrictions aren’t doing much. It takes 2-5 weeks for positive effects of lockdown to show.

I think it’s a stupid governor issue and I can see pockets of that in the West too.


So far, every lockdown trend is following China’s data and I think ours will too. I just hope the natural distances between things in much of the South and midwest will help protect a lot of the South and midwest.



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