I can’t say it’s always more impactful than the others. I don’t have that data.

that really is a great resource, I was pleased with my college (that I couldn’t finish in 90/91 as I’m lower socioeconomic and ran out of $$) willingness to *accept* my bracket… BUT its ability to bring income MOBILITY is quite low, which was disappointing but not surprising.

Bookmarking that page.

I can’t say it’s always more impactful than the others. I don’t have that data.

BUT: I will concur that it is likely something that MUST be factored in.


There are a lot of sciences, each with strong and weak points and yes psychology is a science and has many subbranches.


I’m aware of https://www.sciencedirect.com/…/pii/S0160289607000219 study on boomers but further studies showed that when other factors come into play, the supposed correlation between wealth and IQ goes away.


Still, media still drag out this old thing for an article now and again. I know it was hot stuff in ’07 but only folks trying to sell you something like an ideology hang onto it anymore.



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