I am amazed. I’ve always heard that GenX runs in parallel for extremes: There’s the Wall Street make your money while you can and then you die vs the what’s my myth find yourself drum-circle variety for our extremes.

I am amazed. I’ve always heard that GenX runs in parallel for extremes: There’s the Wall Street make your money while you can and then you die vs the what’s my myth find yourself drum-circle variety for our extremes.
And damn here we are.
I mean, I tried the money thing; it was preached to me non-stop growing up. I read EVERY BOOK – even had a Tony Robbins cassette course.
Funny thing is: the ‘tricks’ work. I made a lot of money in a small amount of time; [and for 7 years with ‘tiny little ads’ but online not in newspapers – Web 2.0 worked well for me]
But they are hollow tricks to me. They have no substance. I can tell you all about the two major investing styles; Buffet vs Soros and what works and what doesn’t. I can tell you have to scaffold your income; which types of investment things work and how and how to run multiple businesses and do the streams of income things.
I’ve done it all. I’ve read about it, tried it. Works. Hollow.

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