However, there is a written set of instructions we ALSO call music. It is in the same class as a computer program.

Written music is a “to-do” list, typically serially activated,while operating on multiple channels (parallel).

The language of written music is imperative. “Do”. “Do this” “Do Thus”. Or in some jazz compositions they may be looser instructions more akin to guidelines with freer and freer range of interpretation but are also imperatives. Just nicer.

Music does not exist until it is performed. It may be performed in the mind or on an instrument.

However, there is a written set of instructions we ALSO call music. It is in the same class as a computer program.



 Do you know the contents of a book before reading? It is the act of reading that confirms and enacts the contents. Prior to reading, there’s only hope.
 If the written piece or program has been performed before and stamped with Authority, you can assume that the contents will reliably produce music when instructions are followed.But that is authority of some kind giving it credence. It does not imbue it with truth only trust.
 In short, the tree does not make a sound but other trees have.
 I mean, the program exists. But if it does not function as a program when enacted, it is not a program.

So yes. “the program does not exist until it is performed in / by a machine”.

The machine can be the mind performing the steps. It does not have to be a computer or a piano.

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