How much of me is me?
Always a good question.
Dismantled myself politically.
I can verify results because.. it’s me and my opinion about myself matters to me.
this only applies to ppl in the USA.
I took this.
It came up with results. Suffice to say, as someone who votes but doesn’t consider himself aligned with any party, well, I let it align me.
The results disturbed me, not because it’s less common and very sparse.. I expected that. What I *didnt* expect was, on a “where would you win if you ran for president here?” map… I found
a) a red blotch (meaning “strongly agrees with your beliefs”) a few counties away from where I grew up [which was not red].
This area it identified? It is the SAME small area of New Jersey that almost ALL of my childhood friends moved to over the past few decades. Different towns.. same red blotch.
b) Amherst MA. I went to Hampshire College. Didn’t finish but I felt ‘at home’ in the town. Had I stayed? I’d likely be an eco-warrior today. I’m not regretful.
c) Mountain View, CA. Home of Google. Google. Politically aligned with the people of the town where Google is.
I can’t begin to describe how… disturbing this is because… they’re probably right. I can’t poke holes in it. I’m good at poking holes in things. But this? They see a “political me” [and I’m someone who doesn’t see himself as political] that I didn’t see before and it’s a big pill to swallow… but I have to accept it. I know they’re right. I just don’t want to admit it.
Very odd surreal experience.
How much of me is me? Less and less. I knew that to be true already but seeing it CONFIRMED more and more.. quite unnerving.