Honestly though, I think the number line is really a limiting factor in all of these big numbered statistical formulations that are supposed to represent reality.

lol well I wasn’t shooting for randomness in a mathematical sense, but I was shooting for randomness as in, “go ahead, predict this” with a twinge of absurdity;   It’s got similarities to the strict mathematical term of course, but it’s broader in context I believe.

Honestly though, I think the number line is really a limiting factor in all of these big numbered statistical formulations that are supposed to represent reality.

Just fold it up.  Easy.  Got a long string? crumble it into a ball, stick it in your pocket. It’ll make new connections and accomplish amazing feats, like when you put your earbuds in your pocket and they come out of your pocket in knots.

How cool is that process?

Knot theory has a long way to go to explain that everyday process easily, which is why I don’t worry about mathematics or AI taking over anytime soon.  They can do the theory but the computers just can’t handle everyday complexities very well.  Maybe someday.

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