Hey cuz 😛 Mine is down the Rogers line. Grandmother was a Rogers. My mom and grandmother didn’t care about this stuff but I took up an interest in it. Still working on it.
Actually the Mormons online database is amazing. The public is welcome to join and contribute. It’s messy but very useful – I’ve been using their familysearch (I think that’s what they call it) to help find some hard-to-find connections. [I use multiple sources because these databases sometimes inherit mistakes]
That’s awesome! Yeah, today’s tools make it easier and easier. For example, I just typed in Lawrence Washington, found him, clicked “How are you related?” and found out I’m his 9th cousin, 8 times removed. Before these databases it would’ve been a LOT more work. Of course, I had a decent bit of research into it already. A lot was done by my mother’s uncle (in gedcom format, back in the 90s) and I could ride on some of that to continue.=
But I don’t take it with much seriousness: people take in neighbor’s kids, there’s affairs we never hear about, etc – so I take it all with a grain of salt. Still fun though.==
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