Here’s a question I’ve been pondering and wondering how other INFP’s see themselves:

Here’s a question I’ve been pondering and wondering how other INFP’s see themselves:

Who are “your people”?

By this… hmm – I’ll give an example of what I mean:

You are at a party (a generally agitating experience unless of course it’s a part of ‘your people’), and somebody walks up to you and starts a conversation. In the middle of the conversation, she says, “Ugh – those people, the _________s. They drive me nuts with their ___ and ___ and _____. Aren’t they the worst? If they were all shot, the world would be a better place”. And you respond, “Well, I’m one of those ___________s. I am one of them. They are My People.”

Who are “your people”? Another way to put it, what tribe of people do you belong to, or do you mentally see yourself belonging to?

I’ve got a handful of “my people” – INFPs obviously being one of them. I am of their tribe. There are others too, and I’ll answer with my own other tribes in a bit.

But I’m curious about everybody else.

Anyone? Anyone? [hearing crickets chirping] 🙂


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