Great! Now for another try, I’d like to mention that the Dynamic Systems-Predictive Coding-Neurophenomenological-Embodied Ecology Cognitive Restructuring (DS-PC-NE-EE CR) is of primary interest, with Statistical Optimization-Error Minimization-Data-Driven-Environment-Aware Learning Algorithms (SO-EM-DD-EA LA) as its AI counterpart. Next Phenomeno-Ontological Perception in Cultural-Cosmological Contexts (POPC) was to fill in the gaps inknowledge left beyond from the others, whil retaining a phenomonological taste. Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies (LLCS) followed when I noticed that things like dictionaries had no place to go and finally, the Mathematical-Physical Sciences (MPS) and Applied Technology and Engineering (ATE) were added at the very end to cover what else was missing. My main focus is the experience of experiencing and everything else comes from there. What would be an ordering that reflects this way of thinking?
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