good for highly compressed concepts… but unfurling and uncompressing them into long wordy prose is trick

The organization of thought into categories is what’s always escaped me.  I found making short videos to be a great expression of ideas for me.  It’s like I have an inexhaustible supply of new stuff to try and I have an instant audience.

Still though… good for highly compressed concepts… but unfurling and uncompressing them into long wordy prose is tricky.  I can do it… but then there’s the whole -organization- and -categorization- of ideas problem I keep running into.

That’s where this Dewey classifier thing is great for me. – since a lot of my output has been text based, running it through out of context (and tossing some simple math at it) has yielded some surprises for me.

Still processing though (mentally); I believe it to be accurate which really surprised me.  I’m still not sure what to make of it.

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