“go away, you can do it, sit down”

nteresting; I suppose I have a similar take, although I don’t consider it mockery.
What I do, I call “Being Literal” but I do it with a dry humor.

I do it with a knowing smirk; that “I know that they know that I’m being a bit of a troll” with my answer. But.. only after a dramatic pause. I might finish with a compliment. Sort of “one minute manager” style, the compliment-criticism-compliment sandwhich without the top piece of bread… and not really criticsm and more a “go away, you can do it, sit down” kind of compliment.

Except for the faintest of hearts, most people past the age of 6 would ‘get it’. [7+ is the beginnings of an explosion of sarcastic, caustic humor] – – and even the faint of heart are likely posturing/faking.

So mockery? Yeah I suppose it it. To me though, it’s meeting them eye-to-eye. I’m not better and you’ll do fine. I didn’t teach in an academic setting however; my work has either been volunteer or informal so a classroom setting might be different, I can’t really say.

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