From Time -> Shortt clock -> Electrical resonant circuit -> HOW electricity resonate -> why serial and parallel resonance circuits behave so differently. It’s stuff that I know and yet I don’t. Sometimes it clicks in and sometimes I’m like, ‘what? how? why?”

From Time -> Shortt clock -> Electrical resonant circuit -> HOW electricity resonate -> why serial and parallel resonance circuits behave so differently. It’s stuff that I know and yet I don’t. Sometimes it clicks in and sometimes I’m like, ‘what? how? why?”


Ah, master junction. I like when I end up here. The “:See Also” is like a Rosetta Stone between linguistics, computing, mathematics, rhetoric, etc.
Conceptual metaphor
Conceptual model
General purpose analog computer
Wind tunnel
Power is power.
BOND Graph. That’s what they’re called. Didn’t know what they did either but now that I do I like them.
“Bond graphs are multi-energy domain (e.g. mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc.) and domain neutral. This means a bond graph can incorporate multiple domains seamlessly.” Works ’cause it doesn’t matter if the power is electric, hydraulic, mechanical or whatever, power’s power. Maybe I’ll learn to read them better.
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