Fear of AI is fear of teenagers. Same concept space.

Well, what do 1 + 2 have in common?
This may help: Think multi generationally.
Let’s say self-replicating robots form a society beyond us and learn things we don’t know, complete with the ability to mutate.
They come back.
They destroy 1/2 of civilization because they’re mad at being born in the first place. [like grumpy teenagers with too much time and angst and plenty of technical skills].

Well, humans survive.
They have kids.
Their kids study what happened.
They study the machines.
They get further.
They have more kids.
EVENTUALLY, humans will be able to match anything the robots could *possibly* think of, because all the possiblities are programmed in – even if the outcomes of the programming are uncertain.

They’re limited to any logic that humans are limited to. Their speed may put us at a disadvantage. But in the “concept space” of “all concepts humans can potentially conceive of in the history of humanity in the future”…. anything the robots conceive of will be in there.

With focus and time we’d figure it out and surpass them. They’re still extensions of humans. Just like teenagers. No need to be scared of them.

Fear of AI is fear of teenagers. Same concept space.


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