Fascinating. It’s extra-ordinarily specific and this is impressive.

Fascinating. It’s extra-ordinarily specific and this is impressive.
There have been a lot of half-hearted / half-assed / ineffective “Diversity training” and exercises for years in various institutions. I had to go through one or two in my life – and while for me it was ‘a joke’, for those it pretended to help, it was a direct insult, a slap in the face to give dog food and call it steak and say “Look what beautiful steak we got you and you aren’t grateful YET?”
So, I totally get this. The extreme specificity gives negotiation room, allows for space in future budget and hiring plans but most importantly, if even partially implemented, begins to END the need for FUTURE “lists of demands” – “BEGGING” to be heard by administration. Being forced into this position of subservient begging _is_ part of the problem they want to eliminate once and for all as it’s been going on for far too long.
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