I often get stumped by the everyday questions like that and _really_ think them through. When I was a boy, before the age of 8, I stuttered. I remember why. When I had to talk, I would think of many different ways to say the same thing, and it was very hard choosing the best word, right in the middle of speaking. Speech therapy when I was 8 years old mostly fixed it.
Also, a girl I was friends with when I was 6 years old got hit and killed while riding her bicycle down an otherwise safe street in my quiet suburban NJ town. Apparently, I was very upset by it at the time.
I’ll have to ask my mother if she remembers me stuttering before that event (over processing of words) or if it was triggered by a leftover “speechlessness” in trying to process Death.
I suspect the former, but the latter is a possibility I just considered as I was writing. If nothing else, it’s a more dramatic possibility.