Every system humans have built to calculate have those same emotional states built into them, in some limited scale.

Here – I just grabbed any ol’ circuit I could find. They’re all incomplete at present anyway.

Now, the amygdala controls the *push* of what we call logical thought (right/wrong/true/false – the emotions of “certainty” and “uncertainty”, etc – they’re emotional states).

Notice the amygdala and prefrontal cortex is a two way street.

But what this picture doesn’t show – other ones show it better: the amount of “stuff” going from the “emotional” to “logic” centers is like a FIREHOSE – wide, fast, POWERFUL.

The part that goes back from ‘logic’ to amygdala (‘talking your way through fear’ for example’). is thin, wispy, weak, and very slow. It takes a lot of work to make it work better.

“Reason” usually has to plod through the longer route as well but the direct backwards route to amygdala simply sucks in us.

Now: THIS CIRCUIT conceived computers. Conceived Logic. Conceived mathematics. Conceived the Platonic Realm. Conceived AI.

As our prefrontal cortex (which uses tertiary logic not binary btw – I have a study done three years ago *somewhere* diagramming it) – is ‘pushed’ into decision by emotional states:

Every system humans have built to calculate have those same emotional states built into them, in some limited scale.

Thank you. It hit me about a year ago when I was studying what “Now” is and how to best manage it. Read through BORING AS F… scientific papers (I _hate_ the forced and arrogant way they write.. and some of the embedded bullshit in so much of it.. .but it’s worth sifting through)….

.. and it was plain as day. I’m hoping _somebody else_ ‘out there’ *also* reaches the same conclusion in the same way as me and write a book, does documentaries and stuff because I can’t be the only one to see this.

Also, I believe 100% in free will as well. But we have constraints on our degrees of freedom. Of course it’s those very constraints on degrees of freedom that allow us to learn anything.



  • AMYG (171.48 KB
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