“Every deductive process begins with just throwing things out there and see which variables stick.”
My friend Seedy Johnson said that a few minutes ago. I like perfect sets of words that describe something well. This is the part of deductive reasoning nobody ever talks about – the part where you toss the spaghetti to see if it sticks to the wall.
It’s a great metaphor.
I like the “see what variables stick” analogy a lot. Spaghetti is a good analogy for a lot of reasoning processes, because they’re sticky, they tangle together and can be very messy – at first.
If you throw the spaghetti too high (over-reach your hypothesis) – it’ll fall on your head if it’s wrong, no matter how pretty the pattern on the ceiling.
But if it’s right, it’s a beautiful thing, the spaghetti is done and you can eat it.