Age: 43 yrs and 4 months since entering this Timestream.
Birthday: Jan 28
Relationship status: Friend of most life forms, including human.
Biggest fear: Going too far out of my comfort or adventurous zone into “can’t handle this and I’m about to shut down” zone.
Dream Job: Being everybody’s friend in their hearts without having to actually *be there* in person.
Dream Car: expensive: I don’t think about cars much. Lexus or Jaguar maybe? I dunno. cheap: Feet.
Dream House: A single house covering the planet with removable ceilings and optional walls, teleporters and tunnels. Slides too. Lots of slides.
Artist: Me 🙂 I like making stuff.
Movie: Dunno. I usually find something to like in most movies. Whatever gets me feeling something. I like a feeling of “woah”. Contact gave me that for example, as did many others. Oh, anything Time Travel, even bad ones.
Song: It’s easier to name music I *don’t* care for. There’s a certain type of 70s Funk that has a slow beat that’s supposd to be ‘sexy’. Can’t stand it. yet, I like the newer remixes, ’cause they’re faster.
TV series: old: Doctor Who, Stargate series/Star Trek/Quantum Leap (corny but hey it’s Time Travel). new: Doctor Who. I’ve been on a “no TV” kick for a few years, but I always watch Doctor Who. [I was on a Science Channel addiction for a few years and had to break it]
Animal: Cat
Book: I read the Internet. Books are bulky. I like the library though but even there, I go straight to a book that looks interesting, open it up randomly ’til I find an interesting sentence, get inspired, then put it back on the shelf.
Color: Light refraction
Twitter or Facebook: Facebook
Kik or Instagram: Have both, haven’t been on Kik in a while, and check Instagram every few days. But I’m a Vine addict.
Pandora or Youtube: Youtube
Coke or Pepsi: I try to avoid corn syrup/sugar but when I do, Cherry Coke, Dr. Pepper, RC Cola, but when it’s diet, I prefer Diet Coke with Splenda when I can find it, if not, then Diet Pepsi. Diet Coke has a unique flavor all its own and I don’t mind that either. So really, can’t choose. Oh yes, Root Beer. Then again, I prefer clear sodas like 7-up/Sprite. Oh well. Can’t choose.
Tea or Coffee: COFFEE 100%. I can drink tea any which way and I like coffee only ONE way.. yet I drink coffee. Illogical but its how it is.
Tacos or Pizza: pizza but I won’t turn down any taco. I love tacos too.
Winter or summer: There’s two seasons in florida. Dry season and rainy season. From NJ, I liked the Fall-close-to-winter period and also liked the Spring after the mud dried up. Here, winter close to spring, and fall-close-to-winter. So really, kinda the same I guess. I like the Equinoxes over the Solstices.
Neat. Learned something ’bout myself today 🙂
Get married: Maybe. Not worried about it. I have a number of people of both genders and other that would be happy to have me all to themselves but I’m not up for that at present. I got a world to save first 😛
Have Kids: My bloodline never interested me but I’ve always had a connection to people older and younger than me and I treat everybody with the same respect I expect.
Swim with sharks: Done it accidentally. Wasn’t happy. Won’t happen again.
Daredevil Stunts: Neuo.
Jump out of a Heilcopter: If Arnie yells “GET IN THE CHOPPA!” I might. If he yells “JUMP!” I might. Otherwise, nope.