I’m 43. Don’t bother. Find something you “don’t mind doing” that happens to make money that you don’t mind making. You have approx 16 hrs a day awake time, give or take. Let’s say 8 yrs are work time. That’s 8 hours of not-work time that you can use towards what’s REALLY IMPORTANT to you.
So, scrape by with something you don’t mind, although searching for career *is* a fun activity. Maybe if you’re in a position to do schooling and such, find a career and go for it. But here’s what I did…
I figured out what roles in life I wouldn’t mind playing. [it’s all roleplaying isn’t it?]
And meanwhile, did whatever I needed to make enough money doing stuff I didn’t mind. [usually computer work, but I ended up learning how to create and run a business too, and even played with stocks for a time]
But the “roles I didn’t mind playing” – my hidden “true careers”, I ended up pursuing by the way I talked to people and dealt with them.
For me, it’s psychologist, self-help guru, teacher, guidance counsellor, special-education (talented-gifted and slow learner), coach, mentor, rabbit/priest/minister, professor sociologist… these are ALL things that kept showing up in those Career tests.
And what ended up happening? I talk to people as if I’m each of those things combined.
I BECAME the roles I wanted, even if “the thing that makes me money” had _nothing_ to do with those things.
Not that my way is best. I can’t speak for other people really (even though I pretend as if I can). But I was surprised I became EXACTLY everything I dreamed I could be.
Just not officially.
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