don’t assume someone’s stupid because they don’t make sense.

rue. But also, don’t assume someone’s stupid because they don’t make sense. I mean, I don’t mind cracking a joke but it wasn’t really necessary. Then again.. it helped provoke me to pull up an engine and explain multithreading via analogy.. .and being one of those annoying “know-it-all” type people (my brother’s family HATES ME when I do this in person)… I’m always glad for an opportunity to play librarian or professor.tongue emoticon

So, thanks smile emoticon and I appreciate your last comment.. and even the first one – it proded me into action.

Naw it’s ok. It got us talking, made me think (which I like). To me, it’s better to say something and see what happens than say nothing. I mean look what happened as a result of you talking:

Now you know how multithreading works to allow computers to give faster results by answering pieces of the question at a time..
…and you know how a car engine stays balanced (and doesn’t tear the car apart) by firing at opposite sides in a particular pattern.

I mean, if a car engine fired all in a line with valves like that – it would be spinning in circles, rip the hood off your car and land either under the car or in your lap in the driver’s seat.

…in which case, you’d have an 800 lb engine in your lap tongue emoticon

So see? it was a good thing smile emoticon

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