I’m always on the lookout for “alternative timeline Ken’s” – that’s ‘mes’ that happened to be born at different times, with different parents, in different places, with different life opportunities, and made different choices. He’s definitely one of them.
When I find a alternative-timeline Ken, I can relax because that means they’re doing or did something that the here-timeline Ken that you’re talking to now doesn’t *have to* pursue if he doesn’t want to.
In short, I don’t have to be the guy that ties together all the logical and scientific fallacies and give TED talks and write the books and be famous and stuff. That’s an awful lot of work! Another “me” is doing it.
Do I really *believe* they are alternative-Timeline Kenneth Udut’s? Not really, but it’s a nice Fictional Narrative I’ve created in order to not have to be “driven” about a mission of some kind, and I can then pursue a different mission of another kind, whatever that may end up being. It frees me up.Muse: Amy Gregory, an awesome person I went to high school with.