I’m ok with splitting up “softer” and “harder” alcohol and relaxing the age a little if a community decided to. Wouldn’t do it on a federal level, but if a town, county or state decides to, I don’t see the problem.
It’s not *that* much of an issue for me ’cause I’m 44 and can buy it when I want and honestly, I wouldn’t care if they did Prohibition again. Won’t affect me much.
Still, the USA is strange with its age laws. You can drive a deadly vehicle (farm) at 12-14 yrs old in most places, cars at 15.5 and up… and there’s tantalizing alcohol in the forbidden zone for years in the future.
So, I dunno. Drinking with parents permission (and holding them responsible)? Maybe. Crashing your BMX bike into the 7-11 because your drunk is almost a rite of passage (at least in New Jersey it was). With cars, it gets trickier.
I suspect it’s too much of an income producer to change it.
So, I dunno. I’d let communities decide. Of course, I’m for #16tovote for local communities so they get a voice. Let the community decide for their own.
Drinking got boring for me once it was legal. If it was legal at 18, there’s a good chance it would get boring by 19 but still exciting at 14-16. It’d be easier to card at least.
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