Cosmology (via Wikipedia) ———— – Physical Cosmology (observational cosmology is similar) – it’s scientific cosmology; usually what we think of when we think of cosmology – Philosophical cosmology – (via Wikipedia) What is the origin of the Universe? What is its first cause? Is its existence necessary? (see monism, pantheism, emanationism and creationism) What are the ultimate material components of the Universe? (see mechanism, dynamism, hylomorphism, atomism) What is the ultimate reason for the existence of the Universe? Does the cosmos have a purpose? (see teleology) Does the existence of consciousness have a purpose? How do we know what we know about the totality of the cosmos? Does cosmological reasoning reveal metaphysical truths? (see epistemology) – Religious cosmologies (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Jain, Chinese, Gnosticism…) – Historical cosmologies (via Wikipedia) Babylonian cosmology Eleatic cosmology Samkhya Cosmic Evolution Biblical cosmology Atomist universe Pythagorean universe De Mundo Stoic universe Aristotelian universe Aristarchean universe Ptolemaic model Aryabhatan model Medieval universe Non-Parallel Multiverse Multiversal cosmology Maragha models Nilakanthan model Copernican universe Tychonic system Bruno’s cosmology Keplerian Static Newtonian Cartesian Vortex universe Hierarchical universe Einstein Universe with a cosmological constant De Sitter universe

Cosmology (via Wikipedia)
– Physical Cosmology (observational cosmology is similar) – it’s scientific cosmology; usually what we think of when we think of cosmology
– Philosophical cosmology – (via Wikipedia)
What is the origin of the Universe? What is its first cause? Is its existence necessary? (see monism, pantheism, emanationism and creationism)
What are the ultimate material components of the Universe? (see mechanism, dynamism, hylomorphism, atomism)
What is the ultimate reason for the existence of the Universe? Does the cosmos have a purpose? (see teleology)
Does the existence of consciousness have a purpose? How do we know what we know about the totality of the cosmos? Does cosmological reasoning reveal metaphysical truths? (see epistemology)
– Religious cosmologies (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Jain, Chinese, Gnosticism…)
– Historical cosmologies (via Wikipedia)
Babylonian cosmology
Eleatic cosmology
Samkhya Cosmic Evolution
Biblical cosmology
Atomist universe
Pythagorean universe
De Mundo
Stoic universe
Aristotelian universe
Aristarchean universe
Ptolemaic model
Aryabhatan model
Medieval universe
Non-Parallel Multiverse
Multiversal cosmology
Maragha models
Nilakanthan model
Copernican universe
Tychonic system
Bruno’s cosmology
Static Newtonian
Cartesian Vortex universe
Hierarchical universe
Einstein Universe with a cosmological constant
De Sitter universe
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