“Consider twelve broad domains of human knowledge and experience. For each domain, provide an illustrative emoji sequence, a “self-as” analogy that characterizes the domain, a common name or names for the field, an acronym that could stand for the field, and a descriptive phrase that sums up the field. Here’s how these twelve domains should be mapped:
1. Reflective cognitive processes and understanding of the human mind
2. Technological constructs that mirror human learning
3. Studies of cultures and religious practices
4. Studies of language, literature, and cultural narratives
5. Biological processes and understanding of life systems
6. Health and medical sciences
7. Mathematical principles and physical phenomena that govern the universe
8. Creation, design and optimization of technology
9. Environmental studies and understanding of our planet’s systems
10. Social structures and the dynamics within human societies
11. Arts, creativity, and human expression
12. Education, learning, and teaching
Arrange these domains in a progression starting and ending with aspects related to the self (self-understanding and learning/teaching), showing a circular progression of human knowledge and experience. Make sure to use the same “self-as” analogy, common name, acronym, and descriptive phrase for each domain as we discussed before.”
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