Israel-Hamas will likely remain as it is I suspect. Hamas of course appealed to the upcoming leader, as did China – but they always do that. Trump’s support for Israel is the same as Biden’s.
Ukraine-Russia will be interesting as there’s a chance that Trump would NOT want to appear to be Putin’s puppet this time around and will continue US support of Ukraine, despite Republicans as a whole trying to use it as a “wedge” issue for votes.
As far as migration goes, I’m hoping nothing like last time’s debacle happens – that wasn’t even Trump’s fault. I’ll give him that.
I don’t expect a “round them all up cowboy” mass deportation as he promised. That would be a disaster, particularly as a lot of the immigrants are here BECAUSE American businesses want them here for work.
The ones that aren’t working, sure. But the ones that do, which would be the low-hanging fruit and easy to nab because they have jobs and are in stable locations – or they are applying for asylum and are housed, would certainly result in a clogged up court system.