Weird. I started off with a “Taxonomy of The Nature of Things” [now it’s (III, A, 2) lol]
but ended up with “Classification and Analysis System”? I kept asking questions and getting suggestions, revising what I didn’t care for and it ended up being this big. Expected it to be a lot shorter. Not doing anything with it at the moment. It’s still missing stuff + has things I could consolidate, but —
Classification and Analysis System by Kenneth Udut and ChatGPT
I. Introduction
A. Overview of the Classification and Analysis System
B. Purpose and intended use of the system
C. Audience and target market
D. Explanation of the structure and organization of the book
II. Human Science
A. Cognition
1. The Taxonomy of Cognition (TOCOG)
2. The Taxonomy of Decision Making (TDM)
3. The Taxonomy of Perception (TOP)
4. The Taxonomy of Creativity (TOCRE)
5. The Taxonomy of Problem-Solving (TOPS)
6. The Taxonomy of Innovation (TOIN)
7. The Taxonomy of Leadership (TOL)
8. The Taxonomy of Organizational Behavior (TOB)
9. The Taxonomy of Human Resources (THR)
10. The Taxonomy of Psychology (TOPSY)
B. Emotion
1. The Taxonomy of Experiences, Emotions, and Feelings (TEEF)
2. The Taxonomy of Human Characteristics (THC)
C. Culture
1. The Taxonomy of Architecture (TARCH)
2. The Taxonomy of Design (TDES)
3. The Taxonomy of Art (TART)
4. The Taxonomy of Music (TMUS)
5. The Taxonomy of Literature (TLIT)
6. The Taxonomy of Film (TFILM)
7. The Taxonomy of Theater (TTHEA)
8. The Taxonomy of Sports (TSPO)
9. The Taxonomy of Gaming (TGAM)
10. The Taxonomy of Leisure (TLEI)
11. The Taxonomy of Tourism (TTOUR)
12. The Taxonomy of Food (TFOO)
13. The Taxonomy of Fashion (TFAS)
14. The Taxonomy of Cultural Concepts (TCC)
III. Science and Technology
A. Knowledge
1. The Taxonomy of Entities and Objects (TEO)
2. The Taxonomy of Nature of Things (TNOT)
3. The Taxonomy of Physical Phenomena (TPP)
4. The Taxonomy of Knowledge (TOK)
5. The Taxonomy of Beliefs and Values (TBV)
B. Physics
1. The Taxonomy of Quantum Mechanics (TQM)
2. The Taxonomy of Thermodynamics (TTD)
3. The Taxonomy of Electromagnetism (TEM)
4. The Taxonomy of Optics (TOPT)
5. The Taxonomy of Relativity (TR)
6. The Taxonomy of Astrophysics (TAS)
7. The Taxonomy of Cosmology (TCOS)
8. The Taxonomy of Particle Physics (TPP)
C. Engineering
1. The Taxonomy of Mechanical Engineering (TME)
2. The Taxonomy of Electrical Engineering (TEE)
3. The Taxonomy of Computer Engineering (TCE)
4. The Taxonomy of Chemical Engineering (TChemE)
5. The Taxonomy of Civil Engineering (TCE)
6. The Taxonomy of Aerospace Engineering (TAE)
7. The Taxonomy of Biomedical Engineering (TBE)
D. Materials Science
1. The Taxonomy of Materials (TM)
2. The Taxonomy of Nanotechnology (TNT)
3. The Taxonomy of Polymers (TP)
4. The Taxonomy of Composites (TC)
E. Chemistry
1. The Taxonomy of Inorganic Chemistry (TIC)
2. The Taxonomy of Organic Chemistry (TOC)
3. The Taxonomy of Physical Chemistry (TPC)
4. The Taxonomy of Analytical Chemistry (TAC)
5. The Taxonomy of Biochemistry (TBC)
IV. Arts and Culture
A. Arts
1. The Taxonomy of Painting (TPAI)
2. The Taxonomy of Sculpture (TSCUL)
3. The Taxonomy of Photography (TPHOTO)
4. The Taxonomy of Graphic Design (TGD)
5. The Taxonomy of Illustration (TILL)
B. Design
1. The Taxonomy of Product Design (TPD)
2. The Taxonomy of Interior Design (TID)
3. The Taxonomy of Fashion Design (TFD)
4. The Taxonomy of Industrial Design (TID)
5. The Taxonomy of Architecture (TARCH)
C. Leisure
1. The Taxonomy of Gaming (TGAM)
2. The Taxonomy of Sports (TSPO)
3. The Taxonomy of Leisure (TLEI)
4. The Taxonomy of Tourism (TTOUR)
5. The Taxonomy of Food (TFOO)
V. Interactions
A. Communication
1. The Taxonomy of Communication (TOC)
2. The Taxonomy of Social Interactions (TSI)
B. Society
1. The Taxonomy of International Relations (TIR)
2. The Taxonomy of Political Science (TPS)
3. The Taxonomy of Law (TOLA)
4. The Taxonomy of Ethics (TOE)
5. The Taxonomy of Sociology (TSOC)
6. The Taxonomy of Anthropology (TANT)
7. The Taxonomy of Economics (TECO)
8. The Taxonomy of Demography (TDEM)
C. Law
1. The Taxonomy of Criminal Law (TCRIML)
2. The Taxonomy of Contract Law (TCONL)
3. The Taxonomy of Intellectual Property Law (TIPL)
4. The Taxonomy of Environmental Law (TEL)
5. The Taxonomy of Human Rights Law (THRL)
VI. Integrated Measurement and Analysis Framework (IMAF)
A. Explanation of the Integrated Measurement and Analysis Framework (IMAF)
B. How the IMAF works
C. How to apply the IMAF
D. Best practices for using the IMAF
E. Examples of how the IMAF has been used in different fields
VII. Conclusion
A. Summary of the main points and contributions of the book
B. Recommendations for future research and development in the field
C. Acknowledgements and references