Can’t happen again, you know. Invading State Capitol buildings. Invading Federal Capitol Building. Can’t. Doesn’t matter who’s President or heading Congress or Senate temporarily.

Can’t happen again, you know. Invading State Capitol buildings. Invading Federal Capitol Building. Can’t. Doesn’t matter who’s President or heading Congress or Senate temporarily.
I see you talking. People who claim to have lost free speech are talking. Nobody’s silenced. Nobody. It’s entitlement. Losing hurts. Can’t stand a loss. Must be fraud. etc. Complaining is normal.
Battering rams into windows, screaming to hang the Vice President? No.
Fine. Alternative Theories are great. Fascinating. Fodder for long discussions over drinks or tea. Maybe have a court case or two. Talk about leaving and starting your own govt.
But Jan 6, 2021 was a poor and sad response. Two months of organizing efforts and that’s the result. Can’t be the first siege of many.
Has to be the only siege of any. People gotta get arrested. Go to prison. It was super bad.
People are leaving Facebook as a protest. Great. That’s normal. Happens every six months or so since about 2011. I can pull up old situations.
That’s a normal response to being annoyed. But there’s no minimizing or comparing Jan 6, 2021 to anything. People marching is normal. Yelling is normal. Being let in / busting in / whatever? No. That single event probably screwed up EVERYBODY’s protesting for some time to come, left or right or whatever. Way too far.
For 5 years, I heard threats about “the oncoming storm” “just wait and see” So Capitol Stormed. All saw. Arrests ongoing. Ok.
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