I can see the power it has. I have a few, “THE [] THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD” in me and I’ve been pulled in a few times in my life. Thoroughly enjoyable experience that only those who get entirely wrapped up in a [] can appreciate.
I’ve never had the stamina to go as far as you though. My tendencies have been towards maximizing comprehension; both of myself and in my efforts to communicate with others.
It’s been extremely productive, but forcing myself to use language that’s understandable to a smart 10 year old…
(not a metaphorical 10 yr old, but real ones, down to about 8, and I’ve _managed_ through symbolic role play to get some difficult concepts to my ne when he was 5 and a half; he picked up chess in no time and whipped my butt too, but science-y concepts as well)
…has resulted in an inability for me to utilize specialized, formalized languages very well.
I mean, I can use formalized language with programming; most programming uses similar concepts so translating from one to another is easy enough.
But I could never get into structured languages beyond that. Felt like maze walls to me and I’d always have to pull a bulldozer out of my pocket.
So, I’m a little envious that you’ve come this far so far; it’s quite impressive.
Still though, I do have a tendency to belief in the ongoing construction of reality rather than identity being retained per se, but rather reconstructed based upon a fancy Fourier transform; expectations compared against recent input, and, basically a set of NORs performed, but a larger scale than Fourier, but a similar principle.
although I suppose . hm..i suppose a hysteresis *is* “identity” in a way, although I see it more akin to the way that rubber becomes Vulcanized… meh. Too many analogies going on in my head; I’m moving into brain plasticity-zone and the nature of memory and its relationship to lag and… yeah – I can see the benefit of a formalized language for logical expressions. I think in analogous forms instead; my mental library is full of them but it’s not serving me any good at the moment for effective communication of concepts from one human mind to another through the use of language.
You need someone who is fluent in your language and it’s all new to me. [as in, what little bits I looked up while typing tonight]. I can learn it and probably should but I need to form analogies of the language your using to existing forms in my brain, and that takes a little bit of retraining.