In all countries where there are boys, which would be every country on the planet, I have no doubt that, around the age of 7-8, they start taunting each other with words and accusations.
“You’re a girl!”
“You’re a fag!”
“You’re a nerd!”
The words hurt, but they launch back and forth like word missles.
Time goes on.
The seed is planted.
“Were they right about me?”
“Am I what they said I was?”
Of course, at the age of 7 or 8, boys don’t know fully what those words mean *just yet*. Just vague notions. The words gather more meaning as one gets older, learns about sexuality, learns about social norms.
yet the word “sticks”. “Does that word apply to me?”
Confusion ensues.
It’s normal. I went through it. I suspect millions of boys around the planet are going through right now – this very second. Grown men are questioning themselves… all from some wicked taunting at a young age.
But those boys who taunted you are gone now. The class you were in at 7-8 years old has left. They’ve grown. They’re not pointing and laughing any longer, not in the same way at least.
You don’t have to give them an answer, nor yourself. It was never a valid question to begin with. It was a taunt, some vague wickedness surrounding a word you didn’t understand at the time.
You are who you are. The words are just words until you assign meaning to them.