It’s another sneaky way to allow the credit score people to get a greater peek into our real ability to repay loans. The theory is, if you’re friends with poor losers, you’re a poor loser too that’s lying for credit. Or that people who are credit worthy only have friends that are credit worthy.
It’ll definitely further the stratification of society.
In one sense, it can be a “good thing”; if you up your friends, you up your credit score. Easier than getting a better paying job.
But that just encourages more schmoozing and dishonesty.
I hope they don’t enact it and they’re merely holding onto the patent for a “just in case” if somebody _else_ does it…. then they can sue.
All in all though, the whole thing is bunk. I’ve played won and lost the credit game three times in my life so far. It’s easy to screw up and easy to fix credit. But the game gets old.