But on that one, I was empty.

They got me the other day in that group; I almost left it. They treat “trans issues” as if it’s some kind of academic topic. They want to debate it; they have their talking points, and I’m supposed to come back with research papers, etc, trying to prove things about puberty blockers, etc. And I do have some knowledge of that stuff.

But they’re armed with pre-prepared references and papers and videos, put together by people who put together debate arguments and all the materials for people like them touse… and they’re pummelling me with so much BS, overwhelming me.

And what I mostly have are anecdotes, feelings, people I know and knew, teenagers and adults and older people, stories, things that matter to me personally.

And yeah it’s a political group and they like debate over discussion.

Well I like discussion. I’m not much for debate so I try to make things go my way and turn things into discussions, sometimes I succeed, sometimes not.

But on that one, I was empty.

Just empty.

Three of them kept the taunting stuff; ‘ oh you just don’t have anything to back it up with ” etc stuff.

And I’m like, “No, it’s personal with me and I never should have gotten in this debate.

I’d say “You won. Here’s your trophy’. But they want the debate and didn’t want me to bow out.

But eventually they ‘got it’ – I wasn’t gonna play anymore on that discussion.

And it’s not hard to tell when someone is just parroting something they’ve heard ,a video they saw, a person they follow, and just prattling on repeating whatever they’d heard by the guy that made them laugh that morning about the people they like to laugh at.

And I wouldn’t even care about that so much; off color joking? ok fine. dark humor? yeah, all in good fun etc.

But the levels of hysterics I see lately around… they believe the most inane things. I ALMOST feel pity for them. Almost.

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