But don’t let their opinions take over your opinions.

You make excellent points there and you’re right – it’s an Opinion piece, it’s Education, it’s Awareness about a deeply troublesome social problem that affects real people – and on top of it all, it’s likely impossible to write anything without somebody saying, “You said it wrong.”

I believe, +Erik Boesen that critics should not define your subject matter.  There are always critics.  It’s likely the first cave painting had a critic peeing on it.  [illustrated in Mel Brooks’ “History of the World Part 1” – worth watching btw if you haven’t].

So, expect critics.  Listen to their opinions.  But don’t let their opinions take over your opinions.  You have a right to your opinions.  Somebody will always find offense.

Plus, consider this: The fact the people are RESPONDING to it, means you did a VERY IMPORTANT THING:


They don’t have to agree with you.  But you got them talking.  THAT is the start of real change.  You hit upon something powerful here.  You may have even changed a mind or two.

You also have a right to change your mind of course as well.  I’ve made proclamations boldly only to later go, “oops” but now I no longer say “oops” as much because the conversations I started resulted in gains far greater than someone thinking, “Oh Ken’s such a prick for having that opinions”.

Imagine someone else had written the piece instead of you.

The dialogue it because changes minds and hearts.  Causes a few people to realize their bad behaviors and stop it.  Taking it from an economic point of view, the gains far outweigh the risks.

A few critics will always show up.  But a friend will forgive you.  And also, remember this:

Some people are contrarian.  I’m one.  They will almost always take the opposite position, just because.

100% agreement is overrated anyway. 🙂

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