You have been given the gift of moving to a new planet with primitive intelligent life and are in a position to influence the future of their inhabitants by choosing and taking only one of each of the following:
1.A philosophers entire work
2.A country’s entire history
3.An artists entire masterpieces
4.A musicians entire work
5.A writers entire literature.
As always, support your work with reasons.
As Ship’s Librarian, with limited storage space, I’ll see if I can figure out one of each category.
Philosopher: Alfred Korzybski (General Semantics)
If he doesn’t quality, I guess John Dewey.
I want to go with Whitehead but he baffles too many ppl,
even though I think he’s probably be ideal.
[I’m going with the primitive angle here]
Country History: Greece. What HAVEN’T they been through?
Masterpieces: Spain, no question.
Musician: Phillip Glass. Just Glassworks alone will make them think they’re doing something significant in building a society.
Good creativity booster. Not my favorite or least favorite musician, but
See: General Semantics (programming) and John Dewey (pragmatism) –
it just makes sense from that angle.
Writer: Ray Bradbury. The futurist who wasn’t a futurist. Not that he’s
my favorite sci-fi author or least favorite, just a practical matter for
a number of social, political, scientific reasons.
if I had more time, I could come up with better answers.
But it’s a top-of-the-head and the ship is probably gonna launch soon
and we don’t have much time, so at least I can recreate a futuristic America that doesn’t exist yet with a slightly better sense of historical continuity and some of the mind-bending Spanish philosophical influence embedded within its artistry.