As someone who is unfortunately in GenX? No.
No, we do not need GenX in politics.
Look at the GenXers IN politics now.
idxo ts.
No no no.
Skip GenX, please.
I live in the land of QAnon in Florida. My Generation is like the guy that posted this meme. Look at the ages of the men and women who post these memes. Who make the TikToks with bad information. They’re all GenX.
Something bad happened. I don’t know what it is. But it affected a whole generation.
As someone in GenX, please, no more GenX in politics. They are the pool from which the bad information TikToks come from. They are the pool from which these kinds of memes are UNIRONICALLY posted.
Of course I don’t. But my generation seems to think that each of us are speaking for everybody everytime we express an opinion.
I judge my generation the most harshly because I was exposed to the same basic media influences as they were and know a lot of the stupid subtleties and where they come from that other generations might not see.
I don’t judge Millennials or Z or Boomers much at all because they had their OWN influences to deal with that I don’t fully comprehend.
But I at least understand my own zone somewhat.
For example, Elon Musk. He was raised in an ENTIRELY different class in society than me. Different parts of the world than me.
But we’re close in age.
And when I see some of his interests and drives and directions, I know where they come from because us futurist oriented 80s kids had all the same kinds of dreams fed by the same kinds of movies and video games and TV and books.
Sure we’re all unique individuals and yes we’re all the same, but some amount of reasonable compartmentalizing into generational segments is not unreasonable considering the incredible influence media has over our ways of processing information.