As long as the mothers aren’t “pageant moms”, it’s none of my business. If they’re abusive in their quest for perfection and living vicariously through their kids to the point where they hurt their kids’ mental states? Yeah, then it’s a problem.

As long as the mothers aren’t “pageant moms”, it’s none of my business. If they’re abusive in their quest for perfection and living vicariously through their kids to the point where they hurt their kids’ mental states? Yeah, then it’s a problem.

But dress-up competitions done among family and friends? Meh. It’s like fashion shows. They have children’s underwear models too. Buyers of large quantities of product have to make decisions and actors/models do their part.
Child acting is creepy too when you think about it. Children being sent away at 5 years of age to work with a strange adult for 7 hours a day away from family among other strange children is also strange.
Gymnastics and team sports are also weird. Camping clubs? Oh no. I mean, if you look for creeps under every rock you’re going to find a couple and it’s up to the organizations to root them out and for the public to make sure they do.
I get a Boy Scout Abuse lawsuit thing on my FB feed
 They’ve finally home! Just… don’t look at the fringes around high gravity spots because they got some cracking along the fiber bundles… they’re a bit frayed knots
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