Congratulations – Schopenhauer, most central of 1121 Nodes, 3566 Edges.
a) Aristotle (145 nodes, 357 edges)
b) Bertrand Russell (148 nodes, 290 edges)
c) Carl Jung (84 nodes, 118 edges)
d) Confucius (11 nodes, 19 edges)
e) Darwin (95 nodes, 150 edges)
f) Descartes (132 nodes, 348 edges)
g) Fredrich Hayek (154 nodes, 233 edges)
h) Heidegger (128 nodes, 392 edges)
i) Kant (139 nodes, 345 edges)
[Connecting all mentioned influences and influencedby on English Wikipedia (scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, economists, etc), including ONLY influences who were also influenced by someone else, I used “natural grouping”, which gave me 9 groups. (I made a 10th group out of 29 small groups) (75 nodes, 58 edges)
Then calculated weighed centralities of each group and ended up with 9 central figures of each, based on connections]
Upon opening everybody up to find out who was the most central (using a “weighed centrality” measure) connecting nearly everybody together somehow, there was one.
Within the Heidegger group, Schopenhauer.
So by this natural grouping, I did, Schopenhauer is considered within the family of Heidegger, and is also the most connected of the connected influences/influenced_by individuals on Wikipedia. [his node is on the left side of the graph of rays at the starting ray)
(This of course speaks the interests of people who edit Wikipedia and while anybody can edit Wikipedia (I’ve done a few), tendencies and preferences show up over time, sometimes after much debating, sometimes organically)
So these would be ‘types’.
Now to figure out what those would be.
(Aristotle, Russell, Jung, Confucius, Darwin, Descartes, Hayek, Heidegger*, Kant)