And I looked around, who are my comrades in arms? a) the conspiracy of big corp ruining society for profit b) “I don’t understand my kid’s homework”

I try to do most of my socializing online; something that hasn’t changed much since Hampshire smile emoticon [I find face-to-face over-rated for myself; even in the 80s, pre-Internet, I preferred CB Radio tongue emoticon ) Besides, I don’t have any of the normal toys to show off that one might bring to such events; notable awards, books, lists of accomplishments… I *could* word my projects in such a way that they appear to be world-changing, but I’m usually aware of the scope of my capabilities… and I don’t usually like excessive hyperbole. Like most humans though, I am entirely hypocritical in that way as well. smile emoticon

I _really_ appreciate your analysis; I hadn’t even considered what I wrote as “frustratingly nihlist” but upon re-reading, it is!

I sound like a cranky old man who complains that none of his dreams came true.
Yeah. Nothing more frustrating than a jaded idealist smile emoticon

I often make the comparison to Library –> Internet – a social library. I get frustrated when people ask each other questions that are easily answered by a simple Google search; they enjoy the social and, just as always, ignored the library that’s they’re on.

I’ve been called “emotionally transparent” and exuberant in my online discourse. Not always complimentary yet is usually is – and after 28 years online, I’ve learned to take every criticism as a hidden compliment and every compliment as a double compliment; call it being a product of 80s self-esteem movement; I’m good with that grin emoticon

As one might expect, most of my rant was self-directed, if not all of it. When I first became aware of Common Core and traced the connections, I was enraged! I was going to FIX IT! I ranted on every forum I could find. I learned all i could about Common Core, which I considered the enemy. I brushed up on the history of education and various movements through the decades and then centuries.

I was armed and ready.

Then… I realized.. for me… I was tilting at a windmill again. Maybe I put my sword down too quickly, but I asked myself, ‘Was this my fight? Am I carrying a torch for John Holt and A.S. Neill, the Unschooling movement, my unique tiny high school, my unique experience at Hampshire College… is it my fight?”

And I looked around, who are my comrades in arms?
a) the conspiracy of big corp ruining society for profit
b) “I don’t understand my kid’s homework”
c) that’s it.

I couldn’t find comrades fighting _my_ fight, which is our over dependence upon statistical analysis _in general_, treating unique individuals as if they are imaginary points. I couldn’t find them. I couldn’t find modern Progressivists, like the ones long before our time; where was the new John Dewey?

I couldn’t find him.

I had to ask: Do I want to join Big Corp=Bad and Change is Bad movement? I didn’t.

So, my rant changed.

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