An error I see a lot of at the moment is folks assuming people are attempting to JUSTIFY the murder because they are gossiping about the means/motive/opportunity and/or discussing problems with the US healthcare system in general or UHC specifically. I dealt with that last night. I could not understand why two different people in two different conversations thought I was attempting to justify murder. I was not. This morning however, I saw an example of an armchair revolutionary calling for viva-la-revolution type things and then I understand why the two people each assumed I was justifying a murder because I was: a) dissecting a case (because MURDER MYSTERY IS FUN) and b) discussing US healthcare system stuff (because it’s important) : that’s how they saw me.

An error I see a lot of at the moment is folks assuming people are attempting to JUSTIFY the murder because they are gossiping about the means/motive/opportunity and/or discussing problems with the US healthcare system in general or UHC specifically.
I dealt with that last night. I could not understand why two different people in two different conversations thought I was attempting to justify murder. I was not.
This morning however, I saw an example of an armchair revolutionary calling for viva-la-revolution type things and then I understand why the two people each assumed I was justifying a murder because I was: a) dissecting a case (because MURDER MYSTERY IS FUN) and b) discussing US healthcare system stuff (because it’s important) : that’s how they saw me.

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