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Finding MOST of a high school paper (1987, age 15) on Black Holes -I decided to scan it all in. * (How to is at bottom)
stopped, it would be a neutron star – a solid ball of neutrons, a few
miles in diameter (in which a thimbleful would weigh the sesands of tons!). But, to become a black hole, it must go past that The neutrons broke free of the nuclear forces and separated into the
smallest known constituents of matter, the quarks. In this oddity of nature), these quarks are so tightly packed together that no spaces between them (which, in normality, would be almost impossible -like trying to crush water to the point where it is no longer water on hydrogen and oxygen, but becomes neutrons and woon, quarks, no longer
recognizable as anything but featureless, “faceless” “particles).
The gravity of this object is so great that cannot escape! Heat, light, any form of radiation, and matter, if brought close enough, cannot “scape the clutches of gravity. That’s why it’s called a black hole.
t’s black because light can’t escape from (its granty pulls the light
reading it). the reason it’s called a hole is that matten seems to
To ash hole-ou, more so,
a funnel.
You see, our universe is forer -dimesional, Gravity warps
in the farerth dimension, not unlike setting on your bed and having
your sleping cat roll towards you. If your body was crushed
down into the size of a ping pong ball, your cat, the size of a ball bearing, and the bed, transformed into a sheet, about ore acre in area, Ajour cat, starting at the top of the sheet, would slowly orbit around you on the the shot, falling towards you but very slowly, taking many weeks. to reach you. 7 Now, if you became hearrer (gaining man), the sheet
would collapse down even further, into the shape of a bowl with rising sides and a dowering depth, making your cat, or any other object
fother that starts crit at the top, to fall faster and faster towards you until Kitty would fall straight down towards you in notime at all, with the only means of escape being straight up. Soon, however, there would
Love to be
be no way out (speed of escape would be faster than is possible).
If that square cucre sheet was placed ontop of another sheet:
square mile in area, your ball-bearing Sized cat could be trotting along
on the larger sheet (a two dimesional univers) for a while until she came upon the beginning of the “funnel”. At first, Kitty would
notice that she was rolling a little faster than normal (how could a cost; the size of a ball bearing, really trust?”), but then would find that she
gathering speed, orbiting frater towards something she couldn’t see (since you would be half an acre down into your hole, and couldn’t be seen). Soon, she would be rolling, almost flying, down the
funnel you created (once she is inside, she can see out but no one can see in without being inside of it. This, in a block hole, is caused by light not being able to escape, blinding everyone else to seany what to happening inside except your cat, who can are inside and critside. Once you go inside of it, there is no way out. The point of no return is
called the event horizon. A simple explaination is to say that once you pass that horizons, the events inside of it, your journey, are invisible to the outside universe). Now, what happens when Kotly hits you is a mystery. Many theories have been brought up (and don’t forget
pg s
not clear!
I enjoyed
Your analogy
that it’s quite possible that all or some can work at the same time),
The most weddy supported theory is one about the
You haven’t finished the thought,
singularity (called so because here is nothing else quite like it in the universe. A singularity is a point where all space and time comes to a halt, and all natural laws of physics break down (Capacetime is a concept where there is not only length, writth and height, but also time as a dimension. For example, a piece of wood may be five inches long, three inches wide, and two inches high, but when is it? Is it green and freshly cut, ou is it nothing away? This gives a total of four dimensions- commonly known as reality (some, like the author, believe in a fifth dimension,
brat s won’t go into that now?. The four dimensions I have, and will,
talk about is somatky else, more difficult to compretend). It can be a point (something with
with no dimensions – no length, widths or height), a string Depe (one dimension, length), or two dimensional, like a pancake, “Here (if
It can be called a place), all spacetime ceases to be the ultimate stop, That’s where you, as a pretty heavy ping pong ball would be at the and
Another theory, snopped up by science fiction writers in one in
which black holes open pathways to other dimensions and other univeries! Imagine
you, as the densest ping-pong ball in existence, maybe even a singularity,
gains enough mass to rip through the two-dimensional universe of the (now) spherical sheet into a third dimension – inside and beneaths the “normal” “univers, where
You could see and travel to each and every object is your universe in less time the we transvering it on the ting” of the ofhere. bitty, if she isn’t ripped aguant by the g forces (gravitational forces that can rip, tear apart, overush augth) in the journey down your funnel, would be inside this other word, able to go to any obed she desires and just tear through the third dimension into
no way back to the third
but with
More likely, she would traved from a black hole to a whitchoke Abrough a wormhole, A wormhole means what it says, diks a literal
“worm hole” this one is apathway buraowed from a black hole to a white hole
A white as a black hole, running in reverse; instead of sucking in mother,
spews blat plasma (the fourth state of matters),
a while hole spews
Plasma occurs when heat is great enough to strip atoms of ther electrons (elections that form photons-partials of light) and produces vast quantition of light this is found within stars).
Another versions of this theay is that ablack hole rips into the fabric of spacetime and breaksinte another universe. Many
many possibilities are here for sciencefiction writers, they could and have) write novels on how some scientists built a spacecraft that could withstand the pressures of a black hole, and travel through to anothe universe, or our suniverse in the past, future, etc.” In the movie, The Black Hole, written and directed by Walt Disney Pictures in 1979, the black hole
was a
kind of heaven and hell. The “good guys travel strought thoughs to
another universe, seemingly
” and the mad scientist and his evil robot
crash into the side of the tunnel (tort black hole), into Hell”?
Black holes because of its intense gravity, distortstime (it has been proven, by of atomic clocks, one on a plane, the other on
the ground, that gravity distorts time by slowing it. The one clock on the
plane ran faster than the one on the ground or, to be more accurate, the clock on the ground lost speed due to granty as compared to the clock in the
(more graint), slower time). If the difference from air to earth is noticcable (measureable), imagine what could happen to time, near a black hole!),
The astronaut who puts his ship in orbest around a black hole will live longer than the people on earth. If he orbits aravel the black hole, so that lus time is running 1000 times slower than earth time, some really wierd things happen. If be sends a ten-minute message to the each scientists, it would take them a week to record it and, on playback, it would have to
my to be intellegable. But, conversly, a ten minute
message sent by the earth scientists to him would be received in a fraction of a second. If he catches it, he would have to slow it down
Facemaking be greatly speeded,
1000 times because, if left the way they were,
their voices would have been
to high to bear! Other problems he’d have would be the news. It would arrive-thick, and foot, too. A daily news bulletin would come every
90 seconds and a presidential election five tomes a week!,
On the other hand, the daily report the time traveller sents will come only once ever three years and his beartbeat, once every 20 minutes.
If be sends citeleirsion picture of himself, one blink of his exp will also
andarly protracted intime,
The time-traveller is not aware of any oddity abouttime in he surroundings. To him this fillse is beaty, the normal rate. Sreach each souw place, time flow normally, for each of the peoples physically, biologically, and psychologically. However, there is complete consistency in the discrepancy in time between the astronaut and carte d Within a few weeks, the time traveller will learn that all to freemare dead. Af be candles around the black hole for ten years, and then flits back to Carkles, be will find that 10,000 years have passed and that ho own laa recavey only a few lines in the archaeological textbooks, &
* Methuselah in a Spaceship is an appropriate, title for time distortion of this sort. This is the chagles title in an incredible book, Einstein’s
Universe, what the author received has information from for the “time-traveller
senario just gives. It’s quite possible that, woll or impending disaster
about to strike the earth, we could all for most travel to a nearby blackhole,
hang out for a few thousand years (maybe three grefour on the sling by and then come
the earth (hopefully) replenishes itself, with excrygen- producing plants, etc. (Of course, what would braggon is that all tomportat
after the
political people
will load up before theruclear warhead strikes ex, etc.).
It is an idealistic new of things but, anything’s possible. Methuselah lived 964 ngars
why not us?
But “Do what”, “you say, “What do I care about black holes of me obriously wont be able thesperience anythry with them in my lifetue ?”. Not true. In recent past, we had an experience with a black hole That collided with the Earth.”What ?!!”. Yes.
Over Tunguska, Siberia at 7:14AM local time, June 30, 1908, a colossal midair explosion shook horses halfury around the world, from
Are New York to San Francice, so that they “could not stand up”. Nearby residents (mereteen years lath) reported and explosion; then a
blue column of light, “Too bright to be backed straight at ” ” followed
by another more powerful Almost burned the shirt of for me”. When the second blast
a foxtrote? resident reported, t
oubsided, he stood up, locked to see how bighte explosion was, and was immediately thrown off the porch by and the blast, after be regained consciousness, be suddenly heard a sound, “that broke the glass and the frames in the houses, and in the middle of the area where the huts stood it tore nye a strip of land.” Another resident felt as though his ears were trurning off, so he Japped his hands over them. The even saw a wall of water driving up the Angora River! In London, residents called the police to see if there wasa fire in the north of London (which there wassist, brot the skies in Europe were unusually bright froth, next Dorpele of wecks), Extraordinarily, stunning sunsets were ablaze in Euroze for
a few months! A total of 50 to 60 explosions were heard.’
What could cause this? What could make almost all trees,
30 to 40 kilometers from the blast to blow down, with scorched bunk,
stripped of its leaves and branches, looking like telephone poles?
Quite a few theories were thought up ” After the first expedition to Tunguska, in 19427 (14 years after the oscurece!), the idea of it being a cone was brought up. Why not? Opposers to the const bypothesis ask, why wasn’t it seen in the daytime, plunging towards quith? Besides, they argued, an active woret should hat the
every 200 million years.
land once
The idea of a meteor was shot down for a lock
of a crater. More exitio theories had to be thought of for they mugto make
more sense).
The theory that a spacecraft what it’s missles at us is on that they Поцветувала
crash landed, etc, was thought up by a sorret science-frition writer. The
idea is kept alist one by the Soviet press (and a few supporters), Anothe
more promising idea was one in which an “anti-rock collided with the Earth (anti-particles are particles that have the opposite electrical change- opposite but equal) The opposite of the election in the position Celectiva negative, positros – positive, but besides that, they are equal), the opports of the
I don’t
Your parentheses,
proton is the anti-prosion, etc.). The colliding of matter with anti-mattes is total annihilation noter que quase remains. The two will cancel each, then out and would release gamma radiation, this can be detected
in plants in way of higher Carbon 4 levels (Carbon 14 is found in all ears life. The
age of a particular plant or animal cambe found from, the decce, of Carbonly. Another use, as in this case, is to measure amands of readiation).. It can be
found in the annual rings. Of It was a matter-ante matter collision, there would have been extraordinarily large amounts of Carbon 14 in the 1909-10 annual rings.
There wasn’t.
What’s left? A mini – black hole. Mini-black holes are
beleived to have formed at the time of the big-bany” (thebrý-bany is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe. The “primal egg”, a lump of quarks, maybe a singularity that explored into nothing, creating something. Some of this hot, dense matter is believed to have chumped together into balls of quarks the size of atoms, weighing, as much as a mountain). One of these mini-black holes (which are white hot, being
Joeer &
so compact) entered the atmosphere, creating the heat wave and teesplosions (that is what charred the ground and trees; even now, 80 years after it, the scorch marks can be seen). It the traveled through the earth and out the other side, near Spain, with little lost in energy. This theory makes the most sense, even thoug’s the idea of an object, the size
an atoms, could weigh more than a mountain, seems crazy!
What could we do with a blackhole? The greatest use of
it would be as: 1) a garbage dump no wreste, no pollution, and
© collecting the energy (40% of its potential for rest-energy) and wein it. It woulds dove two problems at once: the energy Criss and Alation,
SXD amazing about the black hole that such an object, seemingly
full of choos, could be spo neat and “compact”. And the ideas that formin oners head when reading about this oddity of mature are amazing Cat least for me, the author
the author, recommend the reader to “look into black holes”‘”
Who knows, in there, you might ” fish the light the the `end the tunnel.
before bibliography, Ken
Pg 15
* Calder, Nigel, Einstein’s Universe, New York, Greenwich House, 1979
*. Davies, Paul, The Edge of Infinity, New York, Stmon and Schuster,
Feldman, Anthony Space, New York, Facts on File, 1930.
Lampton, Christopher, Black Holes and other Secrets of the Universe
Sydney, Impact, 1980.
Silk, Joseph, the Brg Bang San Francisco, With Freeman and Co.,
* Sullivan, Walter, Black Holes, New York, Anchor Press, 1979.
Lemonick, Michael D., ” Black Holes Demystified
June 1985
+ p. 78.
Non-traditional Source
The Black Hole, Walt Disney Pictures, 1979.
Science Digest 2
*- major sources of information, all great, easy books to read.
Endnotes (w/illustrations)
1 The credit for this idea belongs to the author. The analogay of the sleeping cat, the bed, and the rolling towards a more massive object to the force of granty may seem absurd, but analogies can take all forms.
original drawing
—-. First, Kitty would orbit, then go straight
down-escape velocity would then
be faster than possible for your
cat to move,
you as
© – massive ping pongballe
bending sheet
Same thing would happen to Kitty, but
much more dramatic-faster, absolutt NOWAY OUT after event herrzon
shest (lacre) world start here. Anything prist would be invisible (that’s why it’s shaded black- escope velocity is faster thin the speed of light
Endnotes (illustrated) – con’t
•I dimensional
all are infinitely dense, the end of spacetime. I d
2 dimensial (no height
if you consider these “creatures” (adimensiona
floating my 2 dimensional space, then it’s expter to sed how Kitty (little dot.) or yourself (as), could traverse the spherical converse faster in the third dimension but with no may back. When talking of chird and south fimensions, try to think of the fourth dimensionas a cube within a cube, sphere within a sphere. That’s the closes applorination of It/jours depension, that we can make (when talkey of roll in the hole, it se rolly” in free splice, there is no membrane of ateral fabric” brita black of one dinemimentering the next dimension.
Two Einstein -Rosen bridges (they worked on the concou
a tunnel (wormhole) that connected element by particles and two objects with intense gratty (Hach holes)). The first one connects two completely of arch universes and the second connects the same universe bat widely separated in space and lime. What is excentilly a four dimensione concept is shown in three dimension •
(adapted from Walter Sullivan’s Black Holes; p. 200)
7 The Blak Hole, Walt Disney Pictures, 1979.
3 These past few paragraphs were adapted from Nigel Calder’s
Emstern’s Universe 1 pg 85. This book applies Einstein’s ideas and theor into plausible, working life. An incredible book
Walter Sullivan, Black Holes, pp. 4-5.
Ibrd. 2,5.
Ibid., pp 20-26. These theories were adgycted from other sources as
well but mostly this one.
great book.
It was, indeed, Pasomating and the bod work shows. I’m sorry I was late. The
presentation is, for the most part, clear
and entertaining.
at times,
but your punctuation
hard to follow. fut
Endnotes before a
Your reach
must have been
great deal of for
grade here)
Content B- I deduce a
Format BOT
or isit…
… the begreaing???
* Looking through solutions to turn HANDWRITING into TEXT, I wondered if GOOGLE DOCS might do it just for trying. AND IT DOES! Upload PDF to Google Drive, “Open With…” Google Docs, and it does a surprisingly good job figuring out the text! Here it is, first time in editable form – including teacher’s notes. [next I’ll see if AI can fix the text]
(pre-Hawking “Brief History of Time” – it came out later the same year or next – after I did the paper) (the front page I know where it is but don’t feel like looking for it) –